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The Hot Five: HTML5 10 times faster on iOS5, iPhone 5's no-show and Infinity Blade 2 on iPhone 4S

Last week's top five stories

Welcome to's weekly rundown of the stories clocking up the hits, picking up the click-throughs and generally keeping the advertisers happy by serving up page views.

Or, if you'd prefer, the top five stories currently dominating our readers' attention.

Each week, we'll be counting down the biggest news from the previous seven days, giving just a glimpse of the industry's big issues, from five to one.

HTML5 is at least 10 times faster on iOS 5 than iOS 4, says YoYo Games boss Sandy Duncan

Having just released the first commercially available build of its GameMaker for HTML5 engine, YoYo Games managed to discern one or two reasons why Apple's latest version of iOS will be the fastest yet.

"The performance of JavaScript under iOS 5 is at least 10 times better than iOS 4, that's what we see from the development builds," said YoYo Games' CEO Sandy Duncan.

"It suggests to me that Apple isn't particularly bothered if you run games in the browser or natively," Duncan adds.

We'll have to wait and see whether this indicates an intention by Apple to dominate both the native and browser-based app ecosystem through its rumoured partnership with Facebook on Project Spartan.

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Jobs' death meant Apple-Facebook HTML5-iOS 5 announcement was postponed reckons Robert Scoble

It seems most of the big press events in recent weeks have failed to live up to expectations in one way or another.

Coming off the back of Project Spartan's no-show at Facebook's F8 conference, the HTML5 app platform also failed to report for duty at Apple's Let's Talk iPhone event.  

According to blogger Robert Scoble, however, it was pulled at the last minut. There had been plans to unveil Spartan at Apple's shindig, but they had to be postponed due to the tragic death of co-founder and former CEO Steve Jobs.

"Today a guy I know at Facebook told me that Apple just "went dark" this weekend and stopped answering emails and phone calls (they had amazing new iPhone and iPad apps and a new developer platform all ready for announcing)," wrote Scoble.

"Folks inside Facebook thought they had done something massively wrong. No, they hadn't. Truth is you had something deeper to deal with."

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BlackBerry PlayBook Native SDK available for select developers

Despite rumours suggesting investors were more than willing to scuttle the PlayBook ship, the tablet's native SDK beta was released this week, allowing developers to finally get their content on the go.

The tools are specifically being pitched at games studios, offering them the chance to code titles for the platform in C/C++, the Standard Template Library and Open GL ES 1.1/2.0.

We'll no doubt find out more at the BlackBerry DevCon Americas event, taking place in San Francisco from October 18-20.

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Opinion: iPhone 5's no-show says more about Android's stifled attack than Apple's failure

We're not ones to shy away from the odd heated debate here at, either fuelling further discussion or plain splitting the audience down the middle (well, news ed Keith Andrew isn't, anyway).

Therefore, once the smoke had cleared after Apple's Let's Talk iPhone event, we had little option but to stand back and have a good hard look at the reasons for the potent absence of the much rumoured iPhone 5.

"As with all product refreshes, iPhone 4S is a reaction to the moves Apple's competitors have made over the past year, and - Samsung's Galaxy S II aside - when Tim Cook looks down over the rest of the market, the number of serious challengers to iPhone's crown are few and far between," claimed Andrew.

"The reason? That's simple. Android just can't compete."

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Infinity Blade 2 to demonstrate the power of iPhone 4S in December

Taking top spot for the most reads this week was the unveiling of Epic and ChAIR's newest finger slashing sequel, showing just what we can expect from the upcoming iPhone 4S in terms of raw gameplay power.

The one caveat to take away from the 2 minute demo was that, thanks to the dual-core GPU A5 chip, the iPhone 4S is basically an iPad 2 dressed in iPhone's clothes.

"With Infinity Blade 2, we're pushing the boundaries of everything achieved to date and adding a ton of new content and unique new features to create the must-have gaming experience on iOS," said Donald Mustard, creative director at ChAIR Entertainment.

Click here to read more.

Until next week, pickers...