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ZeptoLab launches HTML5-powered Cut the Rope on Internet Explorer 9

Pushing browser's prowess
ZeptoLab launches HTML5-powered Cut the Rope on Internet Explorer 9

There aren't many mobile franchise that come close to matching the mainstream popularity of Angry Birds, but ZeptoLab's Cut the Rope is certainly a contender.

However, while Rovio's attempt to branch out to browser-based play saw the studio taking its record-selling franchise to Google's Chrome, the Russian studio has chosen Microsoft's Internet Explorer 9 as its platform of choice.

Delivered in HTML5, the browser-based version of the game which naturally employs mouse-based play, rather than touch  will actually run in Chrome, but comes slapped with Internet Explorer paraphernalia.

The other, other browser

It's job is to highlight the strength of IE9's support for HTML5, with ZeptoLab detailing the process employed to bring its iOS smash to Microsoft's browser.

"In bringing Cut the Rope to a new platform, we wanted to ensure we preserved the unique physics, motion, and personality of the experience," the studio says on its official Cut the Rope IE blog.

"The most complex parts of the codebase are the physics, animation, and drawing engines. They're complex on their own, but made even more so by the fact that all three are tightly connected and highly optimised.

"It was a daunting task: get this code into a browser while maintaining the unique personality and incredible quality that gamers are accustomed to. To accomplish this, we bet on JavaScript."

The Internet Explorer version launches with 25 levels as standard, with 7 more available should users pin the game to their Windows taskbar.


[source: ZeptoLab]