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Scopely raises $55 million, Nintendo's market cap drops by $7 billion, and we're having a party at Gamescom

The hottest articles of last week
Scopely raises $55 million, Nintendo's market cap drops by $7 billion, and we're having a party at Gamescom

The buzz surrounding Pokemon GO may not be dropping off any time soon, but the same can't be said for Nintendo's market cap.

It dropped by $7 billion after the company made it clear that the game wouldn't make any significant impact on its financials, as reported in our most read article of last week.

Our second most read article is our list of all the big Pokemon GO numbers as they're announced, from total number of downloads to how much more popular than porn it is.

Parties and publishers

Third up is an invitation to come party with us at Gamescom, giving you the chance to unwind and network after a hard day's conferencing.

And finally, US publisher Scopely closes a $55 million series B funding round, and we find out how to get a job at German publisher Flaregames.

Click the link below to find out more about the stories that caught our reader's eye last week.

#5: How to get a job at boutique German publisher Flaregames

How to get a job at boutique German publisher Flaregames

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How to get a job at boutique German publisher Flaregames »

Flaregames has been having a heck of a 2016 so far, finding success through publishing Nonstop Knight and seeing its revenues triple.

And now it's looking to expand and capitalise on its success, so we decided to ask them how exactly to go about getting a job at Flaregames.

"What we want is for people to show their passion, experience, personality and entrepreneurial mindset and be honest about their strengths and weaknesses," said HR Manager Melanie Ebelle.

"We actively look for people who are authentic and who push for what they believe in."


#4: Scopely raises big $55 million Series B round

Scopely raises big $55 million Series B round

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Scopely raises big $55 million Series B round »

With two successful games under its belt, and two more potential big-hitters on the way, you wouldn't think that publisher Scopely would need any more money.

But it just closed a $55 million series B funding round anyway, which definitely won't hurt the company.

That brings its overall funding to $100 million, and means it'll be able to put some serious backing into the launch of the upcoming WWE: Champions and Breaking Bad: Empire Business.

"With Greycroft and our other world class investors, we have the capital and strategic guidance to take our model and leverage it across an even more diverse catalog and audience," said Scopely CEO Walter Driver.


#3: Pocket Gamer and G-STAR to team up for the best industry party at Gamescom, in association with G2A

Pocket Gamer and G-STAR to team up for the best industry party at Gamescom, in association with G2A

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Pocket Gamer and G-STAR to team up for the best industry party at Gamescom, in association with G2A »

Who doesn't love a good party? Nobody, that's who. Particularly after you've spent the whole day running around at a conference like a headless chicken, chatting to people and showing off your wares.

Luckily, we at Pocket Gamer have teamed up with G-Star to bring you the best party at Gamescom, as we so often do.

Taking place on Wednesday 17 August at Club-Lounge Einundfünfzig from 7pm, it's a chance for you to unwind, grab a drink, and do some after-hours networking.

We'll be there in full force too, so if you want to take us aside and have a quick word, then be sure to get in touch ahead of the party, and we'll see you there.

#2: Updated: Pokemon GO: The latest bigger numbers

Updated: Pokemon GO: The latest bigger numbers

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Updated: Pokemon GO: The latest bigger numbers »

What with it being a global phenomenom and all, it seems like everyone and their grandmother has been throwing out statistics, estimates, and anything else with big numbers surrounding Pokemon GO.

So to keep track of all the hype, we've been collating some of the biggest numbers in our handy article as we catch wind of them.

The latest figures show that metrics for the game are starting to fall in the US, with both average session length and number of users starting to drop.

But it also managed to achieve ten million downloads faster than any game before it, reaching the milestone in just seven days.


#1: Nintendo's market cap drops $7 billion as company says Pokemon GO won't dramatically impact financials

Nintendo's market cap drops $7 billion as company says Pokemon GO won't dramatically impact financials

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Nintendo's market cap drops $7 billion as company says Pokemon GO won't dramatically impact financials »

Since Pokemon GO is one of the most downloaded and most talked about mobile games of all time, it stands to reason that some people involved are set to make a lot of money off the back of it.

Unless you're Nintendo, that is, as the company saw its market cap drop by $7 billion after it revealed that the game wouldn't have any major effect on its financials.

It's not surprising really, given that the game was developed by Niantic Labs in collaboration with The Pokemon Company.

There's even estimates that suggest after everyone else has taken their cuts, including the 30% from app stores, Nintendo will only see 13% of Pokemon GO's revenue.
