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VSC launches dedicated PR service for mobile apps

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VSC launches dedicated PR service for mobile apps

US PR firm VSC Consulting has announced a new service called AppLaunchPR, targeted at indie games and application developers for iPhone and other mobile platforms.

It will offer traditional PR services, but also work with developers on product development feedback, focus groups, market research and viral video creation.

"The most successful apps are built by small teams who create highly interactive applications, but need major marketing and PR muscle to get recognized," says VSC boss Vijay Chattha.

"We’ve seen the dramatic impact that the right marketing program can have on individual apps and it’s often cited as the difference between success and failure."

VSC itself has handled more than a dozen mobile app launches in recent years, with clients including AdMob, Greystripe, Buzzd, Skyfire and Moderati.

The company also says it'll be offering discounts on mobile advertising to customers of AppLaunchPR, through its existing relationships with the mobile ad networks.

With 65,000 apps now available on the App Store, cutting through the clutter is tougher than ever for Apple's handset, even if things aren't quite so crowded on other app stores.

What's interesting about VSC's venture is the way it recognises that getting buzz around an iPhone (or other) app is about far more than traditional PR techniques. They're still important, but innovative use of social media is just as vital.

Don't expect AppLaunchPR to be the last service of its kind, though. We expect other PR firms to follow suit with lean'n'mean apps teams targeting indie developers.

By the way, VSC is showing off its viral video skills with one for AppLaunchPR itself: watch it below.