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Fishlabs reveals Waterslide Extreme iPhone stats

Essential reading

Last week, Fishlabs announced that more than two million people had downloaded its Barclaycard's Waterslide Extreme iPhone advergame, which was good going.

Now the company has published stats on who those downloaders were on its blog. They'll make fascinating reading for any iPhone games developer.

For example, 38.2 per cent of downloaders were using an iPhone 3G, while 37.8 per cent were on a second-generation iPod touch. 12.7 per cent were on an iPhone 3GS:

That's not bad considering it's only been available for a few weeks, but not a huge encouragement to make 3GS-only games.

"It is just too early to come up with a dedicated high-end version supporting the OpenGL ES 2.0 for iPhone 3GS," writes CEO Michael Schade.

OS-wise, 57.5 per cent of people who downloaded the Waterslide game were using the iPhone 3.0 software, while 38.2 per cent were on iPhone 2.2.1, and 4.2 per cent were on iPhone 2.2.

As Schade points out, this means releasing an iPhone 3.0-only game is currently a risky thing to do. "It will be very hard to rise to the top 25 if your thrust of downloads is cut by up to 40%," he writes.

"For sure, Apple will promote apps (games) with OS 3.0 features to compensate that. Seems like risky business once the promotion has ended though."

Schade says Fishlabs hasn't yet decided when to launch its first iPhone game using the features of the 3.0 software.