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Scoreloop adds Volker Hirsch as strategic advisor

Bulking up on mobile and social gaming smarts
Scoreloop adds Volker Hirsch as strategic advisor

It's all go in the world of social networking, both in terms of new launches, the number of games using the various technologies, but also in the corporate world of raising funds and building strong executive teams.

German/US provider Scoreloop has certainly been attacking on both fronts, so after raising €2 million in August 2009, it's now added industry guru Volker Hirsch as a strategic advisor.

Hirsch has over 12 years of experience in worlds of telecoms, media, games and licensing working with artists and brands such as Britney Spears, Duran Duran, LEGO, World Poker Tour, Marvel, Activision and BMW.

He also writes regularly about the mobile industry on his Volker On Mobile blog. Something of a renaissance man then.

As for his decision to get onboard the Scoreloop bandwagon, Hirsch has experience of the technology, which had already been adopted by his new mobile gaming company Blue Beck.

"I hope to be able to help Scoreloop in terms of its expansion into other mobile platforms, as well as broadening its business model as we focus on making games more accessible and more social," Hirsh explained.