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That was the year that was: Christopher Kassulke, HandyGames

Grow up and concentrate on making money
That was the year that was: Christopher Kassulke, HandyGames

As the year draws to an end, it's time to look back at what happened in the world of mobile gaming during 2009.

Equally, the lessons of history are useless without a future to demonstration what we've learnt, so as well as asking various notables about their view on the past 12 months, we're also getting them to look ahead to 2010.

You can see the full list of our end of year interviews here.

A veteran of the European mobile publishing and developing scene, German company HandyGames had a typically busy 2009, releasing iPhone games such as Tattoo Mania, Red Bull Soapbox Race and Beershooter for iPhone, and mobile games such as ANNO: Create a New World and its Townsmen series.

Its CEO is Christopher Kassulke.

Pocket Gamer: What was the most significant event of 2009?

Christopher Kassulke: My 30th birthday... A third of my life spent in such a fast moving and changing industry.

What was the most significant event for HandyGames?

That HandyGames gained significant market share in a challenging year. The best move we made was to not concentrating on a single platform such as iPhone. We didn't put all our eggs into one basket and that's why we were one of the winners.

What was your favourite mobile game of 2009?

There's wasn't a single game in 2009 for me personally, but our game infeCCt obsessed me most.

I am still addicted by this simple brain and puzzle game. And it doesn't matter whether you play it on iPhone, J2ME or Android. Play it and you'll get infected. I've showed it to so many users around the world and everyone loved it. For me, it's the next Tetris or Sudoku.

What do you predict will be the most important trends in 2010?


If you could enforce one New Year's resolution, what would it be?

Grow up and concentrate on making money. But, as always, New Year´s resolutions will be forgotten after the hangover.

Thanks to Christopher for his time.

You can keep in touch with HandyGames via its website and Twitter.