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Tyler Parsons explains automatic app review submission site EasyAppReviews

Because time is money
Tyler Parsons explains automatic app review submission site EasyAppReviews

A couple of days ago, I wrote about a new service called EasyAppReviews, which, at a price, enables developers to send out details about their apps to iPhone review sites.

Following on from this, I've been in touch with its creator Tyler Parsons from iPhone app developer iCoolgeeks, who's explained the thinking behind the site.

Pocket Gamer: Why did you start EasyAppReviews?

Tyler Parsons: The idea came to me about two months ago when one of my apps BlackJack Flash Cards - the Key to Perfect Play was released.

I spent the following three days searching google for all the review sites and finding just how difficult it had gotten to submit your app. I knew some sites had started charging for reviews, but what was newer was the fact it felt like a lot of the sites had moved or hidden their submissions links, as if they didn't want or need the hassle.

I got it in my head that with over 100,000 apps on the App Store, they were probably buried with review submissions. At least that was my impression. So each site took a while to figure out the submission process, and each form I found was different. They all want different info, etc. It was just a pain.

I had submitted apps to review sites before, but without much success, but with my BlackJack Flash Cards app, it was selling at a higher price ($4.99) and doing pretty well each day, so I figured I'd give it another try.

But with all the headaches of the process, I was complaining about it to my wife, and she asked if there was someone offering a service that would do it for me so I could get back to development. I googled it, came up empty handed, so decided to build the service myself.

What response have you got?

I know I'm offering a service that developers like me want, because I would have paid for it if someone had been offering it. The number of orders I get proves it's of value to others like me too.

What do people actually get from the service?

Something I stress is I don't guarantee that if you use my service your app will be reviewed. I tend to get a lot of emails from people who don't understand exactly what it is they're paying for.

We have no relationships with any of the review sites, so we cannot guarantee apps will be reviewed any more than if you did the submissions yourself. I can't stress that enough. I don't want anyone to feel cheated because they thought they were paying for something they didn't get.

What we simply do is do the work that you would have done yourself but save you the time and effort. For some people that's not worth it, but for others it totally is.

Thanks to Tyler for his time.

You can check out the various options at EasyAppReviews.