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91% of developers looking to work on iOS as support for WP7, BlackBerry falls back

Android suffers plateau
91% of developers looking to work on iOS as support for WP7, BlackBerry falls back

Consumers might be snapping up Android handsets in their millions, but iOS remains the developer's favourite.

That's the findings of the latest report published by IDC and Appcelerator, with 91 percent of the more than 2,700 studios surveyed claiming they are 'very interested' in working on Apple's platform.

A further 86 percent are looking to develop for iPad.

Both figures compare favourably to Android, which can count on the support of 85 percent of developers a share that represents "plateau" for the platform, according to IDC.

Flat support

What's more, interest in Android tablets is actually falling, despite a growing body of support for Honeycomb from manufacturers.

IDC claims 71 percent of those surveyed are looking to develop for Galaxy Tab, Xoom and co., down 3 percentage points from the previous quarter a fall IDC puts down to continued frustration with the platform as a whole.

"Nearly two-thirds (63 percent) of respondents said that device fragmentation in Android poses the biggest risk to Android, followed by weak initial traction in tablets (30 percent) and multiple Android app stores (28 percent)," the report reads.

Of the tablets on offer, Galaxy Tab is the most popular within the development community, garnering support from 51 percent of studios.

Xoom takes second spot with 44 percent ahead of HTC's Flyer on 31 percent.

Going down

Google's position looks comfortable compared to that of both Microsoft and RIM, however.

Interest in Windows Phone 7 as a development platform is falling away, IDC claims, down 7 percentage points to 29 percent, while BlackBerry only interests 27 percent of developers.

The reason? Neither has a hope of catching up with the userbases of iOS and Android.

"62 percent of respondents say it will be impossible for anyone to catch up to market leaders Apple and Google," the report concludes.

"Beyond market share concerns, however, Microsoft's biggest problem with developers may simply be available time, as noted by the 46 percent of respondents who indicated, 'I have my hands full with iOS and/or Android'."

The report in full can be downloaded from Appcelerator's website.