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Tapjoy brings Mobile Value Exchange meme to the fore with its consumer-facing App Marketplace

Cross platform discovery and recommendation
Tapjoy brings Mobile Value Exchange meme to the fore with its consumer-facing App Marketplace

However Tapjoy might like to bill it, there's no doubt the launch of the firm's first web-based app platform certainly eases any previous concerns the company had with Apple, and the latter's reluctance to support incentivised downloads.

There is, however, another string to Tapjoy's App Marketplace's bow - which has just launched in beta form - recommendation.

At a time when developers are concerned platform holders hold far too much power over what games sell and what don't, Tapjoy's recommendation system which looks to push games based on what you already have installed plus likes, dislikes and the activities of friends  adds a new layer to the process.

Credit where it's due

Of course, there are other benefits to Tapjoy's approach, with the marketplace also allowing users to earn virtual currency for watching or interacting with ads.

What used to be called incentivisation is now dubbed Mobile Value Exchange.

"Smartphone and tablet users are clearly eager for a better way to find new apps," said president and CEO Mihir Shah.

"We already touch a very large and very passionate community of mobile app consumers - with more than 35 million MAUs - and we are proud to bring them something totally different from anything else out there."

Tailored Tapjoy

For those new to the platform - and, perhaps, without any friends to connect with initially - Tapjoy will also push forward select apps via editorial reviews and staff picks.

The focus, however, remains on engaging users without forcing apps on them en masse.

"We've combined our personalised app recommendation engine and enormous app marketplace with social sharing and joint discovery features to create a unique and very personal app discovery experience," concluded Shah.

Tapjoy's marketplace can be accessed online or used fully via any HMTL5 mobile browser on iOS or Android at

[source: Tapjoy]