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Crowdfunding platform Appbackr sells $1 million worth of mobile apps

Launches analytics tool SmartApps to celebrate
Crowdfunding platform Appbackr sells $1 million worth of mobile apps

Any platform able to link up apps with a willing audience is always going to garner a fair bit of attention especially if that audience has cash to splash.

Rather than simply dangle titles in front of the eyes of consumers, however, crowdfunding platform Appbackr aims to partner developers with a party of buyers willing to purchase the app wholesale.

It's a system designed to ensure developers start earning revenue from their titles from day one, while the 'backrs' (as they are called) gain a financial stake in the app's future, promoting the title to consumers and taking a share of the profits when they roll in.

Analytical aim

Naturally, Appbackr is keen to push the platform's popularity, with the firm revealing $1 million worth of backed apps have now been sold on mobile marketplaces, sales up 149 percent year on year in the process.

In response, Appbackr has announced the launch of analytics tool SmartApps to hand both developers and backrs alike a greater insight into what kind of apps prove popular with consumers.

The belief is, the more info on offer, the less likely buyers will be to invest in games that offer little prospect of commercial success. For their part, developers will also be able to ensure their titles are the best they can be before they've had a chance to stagnate on mobile marketplaces.

Smart start

"The problem of getting apps to market effectively…as more apps continue to flood the app stores, is bigger than we thought, and it seems the only way to get noticed is to consistently remain or make it to the Top 10," said founder and CEO Trevor Cornwell.

"SmartApps functions like a poll predicting the numbers in a political race, driving the most exciting apps to the top of the list."

Developers interested in signing up their apps should visit the Appbackr website.


[source: VentureBeat]