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Fluik's Victor Rubba on how Playhaven integration will drive the monetisation of Plumber Crack and Office Jerk

Flexible merchandising
Fluik's Victor Rubba on how Playhaven integration will drive the monetisation of Plumber Crack and Office Jerk

Known for Office Jerk, Canadian studio Fluik Entertainment has high hopes for its latest iOS and Android game Plumber Crack.

The initial response has been great, with 10 million downloads in 40 days, and now CEO Victor Rubba is looking to drive more structured activity with the integration of the Playhaven's promotion and monetisation platform.

"We were happy to launch Plumber Crack organically, relying on word-of-mouth; no cross promotion and little advertising," Rubba explains.

"But our next update sees Playhaven heavily integrated and we'll be looking to ramp it up."

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Fluik has previously used Playhaven to cross promote and encourage people to buy IAP in its games, including Office Jerk.

Across its portfolio of titles, it now hosts around 140 million game sessions per month, at least that was March's total, from over 50 million lifetime downloads.

One key option with the new integration will be cross promotion between Plumber Crack and Office Jerk. "Only around a quarter of players have both," Rubba reveals.

Demonstrating the flexibility of the Playhaven platform, Fluik is looking to push users between its games.

"Office Jerk is the older game, so we've seen IAP revenue dropping off over time as we get fewer new users, meaning we've switched it to more of an ad-based model," he says.

Using Playhaven, Rubba hopes to increase the flow between the two, revitalising Office Jerk's IAP sales, or it could push more users to the game when ad rates rises as occurs over holiday periods.

Direct to store

"Fluik has been an early adopter of Playhaven, so we're really keen to see how the integration works out," says CEO Andy Yang.

As he points out, the new features mean Fluik can drive users directly to the App Store to buy IAP from within the game rather than going through the in-game store.

There are also more options in terms of how pop-up alerts can be designed.

"It will be interesting to see how the conversion rates change now we can go beyond just text and a button," Rubba adds.

"The new features mean we can be much more creative and get players excited about our merchandise."


Fluik Entertainment