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MoMinis launches new Android 'Mega-Game' experience PlayScape to incentivise IAP and new game purchases

Claims 5-12% conversion rates
MoMinis launches new Android 'Mega-Game' experience PlayScape to incentivise IAP and new game purchases

MoMinis, the Israeli startup behind its eponymous platform agnostic game development and distribution platform, has launched its newest initiative, PlayScape.

PlayScape aims to deliver a cross game experience, allowing Android gamers to play any one of the 50 included games, using the virtual currency earned in that game to purchase goods in any of the other 50 games on the platform.


PlayScape was developed as a result of analysis from MoMinis, conducted over the 200 titles that have been developed using MoMinis Studio.

PlayScape is labelled by MoMinis a 'Mega-Game' - although perhaps integrated portal is better - boasting constantly refreshed inter-title missions which will incentivise players to try out new games.

Virtual currency, or PlayScape Coins, can be earned by completing missions and spent on unlocking new games, purchasing virtual content, or in-game power-ups.

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"PlayScape is the product of three years of analysis of game playing usage patterns in order to create an intuitive, user-friendly game experience that would be as natural for my grandmother as it would be to a hardcore gamer," said Eyal Rabinovich, MoMinis' veep of marketing and co-founder.

"With all games developed on The MoMinis Studio, PlayScape guarantees a stable gaming experience regardless of the Android mobile phones and tablets being used."

Games currently included on the platform include Bouncy Bill, which has accrued 500,000 downloads, Hoopz, Ninja Run and Bubble Monkey.

MoMinis claims that its research shows 5-12 percent download to paying customer conversion rates as compared to the 1 3 percent industry standard.

[source: MoMinis]