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Ex-Ensemble men make mobile move with BonusXP

Triple-A and casual experience on board
Ex-Ensemble men make mobile move with BonusXP

A collective of ex-Ensemble Studio employees have come together to launch a new mobile-focused outfit, BonusXP.

On board are former Zynga lead designer Dave Pottinger, Robot Entertainment senior programmer John Evanson and former senior character artist at id Software Jason Sallenbach.

All three men previously met at the now defunct Ensemble, working on the likes of Age of Empires III and Halo Wars.

Top team

The idea behind BonusXP is to use the experience all three have gained at their respective former employers to deliver a "high standard for games that will bear the BonusXP name."

"We're creating something really unique with our overall approach to art," said Sallenbach, who will serve as BonusXP's art director.

"I think it will set our games apart. I can't wait until we announce our first title later this summer."

Said first title is already in full development, the studio claims, with BonusXP CEO Pottinger claiming the company is looking to deliver the kind of "team-based feel" he previously enjoyed during his stint as director of technology at Ensemble Studios.

"Our mission is to make really fun, polished games that leave you wondering 'How'd it get so late already?' when your battery finally runs out," added director of technology John Evanson.

New blood

The nature of BonusXP's output is currently unclear, however, though all three claim their experience leads towards delivering games

"Our mission is to build a tight team and focus on crafting highly polished mobile games with the trademark deep replay value that we've always put into our creations," added Pottinger via BonusXP's blog.

"If you're a total nerd - not that there's anything wrong with that - you can probably figure out the connection between our goal and our BonusXP name."

The studio is also currently hiring, on the look out for a senior programmer, a senior animator and a senior concept artist.

Left to right, Evanson, Sallenbach and Pottinger

[source: Game Newswire]