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No surprises: Apple unveils 4-inch iPhone 5 for 21 September launch

Starting from $199
No surprises: Apple unveils 4-inch iPhone 5 for 21 September launch

To the surprise of no-one, Apple used its most recent press splash in San Francisco to play host to the unveiling of the new, 4-inch iPhone 5.

Thinner, lighter, and boasting an A6 chip the company claims offers both twice the speed and graphics than its predecessor, Apple CEO Tim Cook presented the new device as the first real reset since the original iPhone's launch back in 2007.

Fearture focus

New features, however, were a little thin on the ground.

The added size of the device naturally means iPhone 5 can boast an extra row of apps on its home screen. Apple's own apps are to be resized to cope with the new 16:9 display, which boasts 1136x640 resolution and 326 pixels per inch.

Legacy apps, however, will be centred, and surrounded by black borders to fit the screen. Not exactly the most attractive of solutions, but it's hard to see how else the new size could be accommodated.

"This is the most accurate display in the industry," said VP of worldwide marketing Phil Schiller.

"The touch sensors are integrated right into the display itself. We removed a layer and made it sharper. This is the world's most advanced display, and I couldn't be prouder of it."

As well as another look at iOS 6, Apple also cast light on the device's new 8MP camera, which features a dynamic low light mode, sapphire crystal whatever that may be and is capable to taking pictures while recording 1080p HD video.

The new handset will also come with three microphones one at the top, one along the bottom, and one on the back.

Get your game on

On the games front, Schiller welcomed EA's Rob Murray on stage to demo Real Racing 3 set ot be one of iOS's top performers on the graphics front.

"To marry mobile with console graphics, it's never been done before," concluded Schiller.

The App Store is also to receive a redesign as rumoured via iOS 6, with app pages all coming with Facebook 'Like' buttons.

The new iPhone 5 is set to be available for pre-order from 14 September, before launching across the US, UK, Canada, France, Germany, Australia, Japan, Hong Kong and Singapore on 21 September.

Prices will start from $199 for the 16GB version, jumping to $299 for the 32GB release and $399 for the 64GB version.

By December, Apple claims iPhone 5 should be on the shop shelves in more than 100 countries across 240 carriers.

Meanwhile, iOS 6 will launch for iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, the new iPad, iPad 2 and the 4th generation iPod touch on 19 September.