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TIGA Awards 2012 nominees: Glitch Games

Forever Lost, potentially found
TIGA Awards 2012 nominees: Glitch Games

With mobile studios dominating the list of nominees for UK trade association TIGA's first ever awards, we decided to put the spotlight on some of the developers in the running.

Glitch Games is up for two awards in all, with Forever Lost in the running for best action/adventure release and best game design.

We caught up with Glitch Games co-founder Graham Ranson to find out how the developer is taking the nominations.

Pocket Gamer: How do you feel about being named as a finalist for a TIGA award?

Graham Ranson: Honoured and surprised really.

There are so many great studios in the UK all with fantastic games that we really didn’t expect to be named. Naturally, we are very happy to be included in this regardless of what happens on the night.

What would receiving a TIGA Award mean for your studio?

Initially, it would mean that we would need to put up a new shelf, but it would also be a sign to ourselves that we are on the right track and have made something that people love, even if it doesn’t necessarily pay that well.

Are you a TIGA member?

Currently we aren't but have been considering it. The main reason we aren't yet is down to money, or rather the lack of it.

We have been trying to keep costs down as much as possible and right now food and rent outweighs TIGA membership.

What do you think are your chances of winning?

We're up for two categories - action/adventure and game design - with eight nominations in each and the former category being split into two lists with, we assume, four in each.

All things being equal this gives us a pretty good chance. However, every one of those games is clearly very impressive, so we’re not setting our hopes too high.

We will just keep working away on the next episode and if we win that's great, if not then naturally we would be disappointed but still happy that we were shortlisted.

Thanks to Graham for his time.


You can find more details on the TIGA Awards 2012 nominees here.