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Indie movement Selfpubd teams up with mobile ad network Taptica

Serves up $2,500 in user traffic
Indie movement Selfpubd teams up with mobile ad network Taptica

Indie publishing platform Selfpubd has announced a deal with mobile ad network Taptica that will offer its members a new suite of user acquisition, advertising and cross-promotion options.

The deal which has a "seven figure" value will also see Selfpubd members provided with $2,500 in user traffic directed to their game as soon as the Taptica SDK is integrated and launched.

Who needs 'em?

Selfpubd which started life under the name Who Needs Chillingo? back in 2011 is a publishing platform with a membership of more than 115 independent studios.

Its stated aim is to "eliminate the perpetual conflict between indie developers and their publishers" - or, more loosely, enable studios to successfully launch games on mobile platforms without running to a publisher.

As such, it assists its members with discovery and marketing without taking sizeable chunks of studio revenue or claiming the rights to developer creations.

Everyone's a winner baby

"This is the sort of deal a hit studio might command, but Selfpubd shows its commitment to Indies by negotiating a deal like this for every one of our member studios," explained Selfpubd founder Andy Rosic.

For its part, Taptica is pleased with the arrangement too, claiming it as a win-win for indies and advertisers alike.

"The tier one advertisers we work with are eager for quality media sources and loyal users. Teaming up with indie content will generate a real boost to both indie studios and to our advertisers," explained Taptica CEO Kobi Marenko.,

"You can't get this combination somewhere else."