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Applifier launches Everyplay, its in-app 'Facetime for gamers' video recording tech

Providing iOS games with stronger virality
Applifier launches Everyplay, its in-app 'Facetime for gamers' video recording tech

Developers will often bang on about social virality.

But even in the case of free-to-play games, there's friction in the system in terms of potential players having to download and engage with new experiences.

It's this problem that Applifier's Everyplay network is designed to overcome.

Once integrated into an iOS game and switched on by the player, it automatically records the in-game action, enabling players to make clips of their best bits, then sharing them across Facebook, Twitter and the like.

On that basis, it's YouTube functionality meets the social network for games.

All the time

In terms of the details, Applifier reckons it can compress one minute of gameplay into 4MB. Retina resolution is downgraded to ease the load.

Up to 30 minutes can be recorded before the footage starts to record over itself, but the point is that gamers take the option to share their replays as soon as the action's occurred.

Adding to the richness of the features available in Everyplay, the software also record screens touches, allows you to record audio, and even opt-in using a front-facing camera if you want to show your facial reactions.

Place to see

As well as social networks, Everyplay has its own social layer, with each game that integrates the technology having its own area where fans can check out the best clips, voting and commenting on that.

Once select, the video footage automatically uploads itself to this area. 

Developers can even use the tech to power taunts and brags between players in PVP situations.

It's this combination of open social sharing and centralised hub that Applifier hopes will provide the virality and engagement that will see small indie games, which can't afford to pay for user acquisition, rising up the charts.

After all, Applifier built its business on its Facebook cross-promotional network; something it bought to mobile but which didn't get the same traction.

Plug in

Everyplay will be free for developers, launching with a plug-in for Unity games and an SDK for other engines.

Supported devices are iPhone 4/iPad 1 and up, running iOS 5.

The first games to roll out with the service include Mountain Sheep's Bike Baron and Ice Rage, and Supercell's Clash of Clans.

You can find out more from the Everplay website or check out the following videos.
