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Double Fine on board as Scopely tools up for social wars

Developer network unveils 5 partner studios
Double Fine on board as Scopely tools up for social wars

Founded by a collection of luminaries who, collectively, had a hand in the likes of AdSense and MySpace, Scopely's intent to make a splash in the mobile monetisation space is gathering pace.

The company which helps developers deploy its network within multiplayer games - has unveiled its first five partners, including Double Fine, Big Cave Games, High Line Games, Rocket Jump Games and Zupcat Games.

The idea is, developers tap into Scopely's network, and the company helps monetise, distribute and promote their titles to the masses.

Huge scope

"Scopely allows developers to focus their talents and resources on building quality games," said Scopely co-founder and CEO Walter Driver.

"We get involved early in the development cycle, integrating social mechanics across each game, investing in marketing and cross-promotional opportunities with our existing user base and ultimately, launching games so they are poised for success."

Though all five studios have notable mobile or social experience, it's naturally Double Fine of Tim Schafer fame that Scopely is most keen to push forward, with the company openly pitching itself as a valid alternative to Asian social gaming giants such as GREE and DeNA.

Driver concluded, "We work with the most dynamic developers and studios with quality IP and talent we believe in, allowing them to cut through the clutter of millions of apps and bring a successful game to market."

The news comes less than six months after Scopely closed an $8.5 million strong seed funding round.