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Pinterest for games: TeePee Games unveils GamesGrabr

Open for registration now
Pinterest for games: TeePee Games unveils GamesGrabr

TeePee Games has unveiled a "pinboard-style" social network that will enable gamers to curate "game-based collections" and share them with friends and fellow users.

The service is called GamesGrabr and it's open for registration now.

Its full launch is scheduled for the first quarter of 2013, when will go live alongside dedicated Android and iOS apps.

Pinning it down

In practice, GamesGrabr works in a similar fashion to Pinterest. Users create 'collections' ('my favourite games', or 'the 10 best iOS racing games', for instance) and follow other GamesGrabr users in order to peruse their collections.

What's particularly interesting, however, is that GameGrabr users will have instant access to some of these games across mobile, Facebook and the web, thanks to TeePee's affiliate deals with a number of publishers and developers.

Retail games will be available to buy through planned partnerships with online retailers, too.


"GamesGrabr aims to connect users with the same gaming interests and make it easier to find great games and gaming stuff," explained TeePee Games CEO Tony Pearce.

"There are lots of online publications that discuss gamer culture, but none have enabled gamers to share, curate and discover new games and gaming products in one place," Pearce concluded.

GamesGrabr is open for registration now, and the website currently offers an interactive walkthrough showing how the service will work at launch.