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Beachfront Media on the power of video ads for user acquisition

New dev-friendly SDK announced
Beachfront Media on the power of video ads for user acquisition

Video ads have the potential to be a potent force in the mobile gaming space, and the self-styled 'video everywhere company' Beachfront Media knows this well.

Earlier this year, Beachfront rolled out the Beachfront.iO video advertising and app monetisation platform built on the Google-developed Go programming language.

Now, Beachfront has announced that it will make video SDK available for developers interested in adding video content and video viewing analytics to their apps.

We caught up with Beachfront's director of Engineering Todd Kuehnl to see what developers can expect from the SDK.

Pocket Gamer: Video ads are hot at the moment, but that means plenty of competition. Why should developers consider switching to Beachfront?

Todd Kuehnl: Beachfront.iO is a mobile video first platform, optimised to provide higher CPM and Fill rates, which equates to more revenue for developers.

It allows for a better end-user experience through our much lower latency. Plus, our real-time dashboard is designed with developers in mind and makes it very easy to get started.

Finally, we have been in the video advertising space since 2007 and doing over seven billion views in 2013 - we know this space and are experts. We know how important a fast-loading, optimised video ad is and have implemented this solution with that in mind.

Advertising always boils down to revenue for content companies, so what can you guarantee in the way of eCPMs and such like?

We guarantee a much more consistent CPM as our advertisements are more focused on brands and less on the ups and downs of CPI platforms.

How easy is it to integrate your SDK and what control do developers have in terms of the ads that run in their apps and analytics?

Integration is very simple and example applications are included for all platforms.

Developers can choose when and where ads are displayed and track their performance using Beachfront.iO's real-time dashboard.

Are you at the stage where game developers can use Beachfront as a user acquisition platform yet? If so, how do they go about doing that?

Yes, by pairing our Beachfront Builder Social Video App Building Platform with Beachfront.iO you can create a highly effective user acquisition pipeline.

Advertising tends to work best of developers with massive reach, so what advice would you give to smaller indies who want to generate some cash through advertising with small user bases?

The great thing about is that it isn't CPI based - meaning not performance based.

We are CPM based so developers will generate revenue as long as they are showing ads. You get a consistent revenue stream because our ads are based on long-term ad buys.

We actually built Beachfront.iO with the indie developer in mind because we have always been published-focused. More generally, what's next for in-app video advertising?

Improvements to targeting and cross-device user tracking which will allow for more relevant advertising to end-users and improved engagement and conversion to advertisers.

Thanks to Todd for his time.