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#PGCLondon 2016 speaker Mobcrush's Greg Essig predicts the rise of core mobile gamers

What to expect at PG Connects London
#PGCLondon 2016 speaker Mobcrush's Greg Essig predicts the rise of core mobile gamers

Pocket Gamer Connects London will kick off 2016 in style on 18-19 January.

Tickets are still available.

So to give you a hint at what you can expect, we're shining the spotlight onto our speakers to provide a deeper look at the personalities who will be taking the stage.

  • Greg Essig is the Co-head of Business Development at mobile game streaming service Mobcrush. Tell us about your company's role in the mobile games industry.

Greg Essig: Mobcrush is a dedicated mobile gaming platform.

Our community is solely based on mobile games and filled with early adopters and highly engaged fans of all genres.

2015 was another hectic year for the industry, what were the highlights or most important developments you saw?

Production value, per user spend and retention all hit new records for the top games. On the other side, the year also saw the middle continue to fall out with many studios shuttering or pivoting to other platforms.

Mobcrush - like Twitch for mobile games
Mobcrush - like Twitch for mobile games

While it's hard to watch, I think it's a healthy trend as supply and demand are becoming more aligned.

PG Connects kicks off 2016, give us a prediction or two of what we can expect to see in the new year.

I believe this is the year of 'core' users. 'Core' meaning highly engaged and attentive users not play-style.

As the platform continues to mature, games that push the envelope are going to be more expensive, complicated and targeted to specialised markets.

Developers will succeed or fail on how well they know their audience. The user is back in control and developers need to stop resorting to tricks for payment.

Those days are over. Real fans want catered experiences. Building a deep relationship and treating 'core' users fairly will increasingly be the only way to monetise. Because of that, the UA bubble will finally reset.