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Palm verifies games are in production for WebOS

Third parties still interested in creating Palm games
Palm verifies games are in production for WebOS

Although Palm hasn’t really made any hardware worth talking about for a while now (until the Pre came along, of course), plenty of game developers have continued to support the platform on a minor level.

But ever since Palm announced that all internal support for PalmOS was to cease in favour of the brand new WebOS, there’s been some deliberation as to whether or not third parties would be interested in adopting yet another new platform.

According to a sit down Engadget had recently with Palm, the company has been working closely with third parties to refine the WebOS SDK according to their feedback.

Native applications are still being held back, however, though the imminent addition of Adobe’s Flash Lite 3.1 and web-style app development should still offer plenty of options for the cunning game designer.

No news when the SDK will become available to the public yet, but once it does, we can presumably hope for the same amount of home brew support as the original PalmOS received.