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Large form iPod touch rumour for early next year

Apple to redefine portable computing
Large form iPod touch rumour for early next year

While smartphones have been moving in leaps and bounds lately, laptops and netbooks have taken something of a developmental back seat. Though if rumours are to be believed, they've not actually taken much of a back seat at Apple, which, according to AppleInsider, is gearing up to release a 'large form iPod touch' early next year.

We've heard hushed talk of such devices for a while now, but details appear to be firming up. The device is said to sport a 10 inch multi-touch touchscreen display, with the whole project under the watchful eye of Steve Jobs.

The device has reportedly been entered into the company's 2010 road map by Jobs for a first quarter release, and further rumours echo around Cupertino that Apple is in talks with bitter AT&T rival Verizon as a partner carrier.

That the device is apparently so close is quite exciting news, though given Jobs's penchant for perfection, anything could happen in the six to nine months leading up to the rumoured release. Watch this space.