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BlackBerry App World now has 2,000 apps

RIM is
BlackBerry App World now has 2,000 apps

Research In Motion has announced that there are now around 2,000 applications available in its BlackBerry App World store.

Meanwhile, the company is rolling the store out in Italy, France, Germany and Spain this month, joining the launch territories of the US, Canada and UK. Brazil and India are next on the agenda.

VP of global alliances Jeff McDowell tells Bloomberg that RIM is "very happy" with sales on App World, although he doesn't give any actual numbers.

He also bats back comparisons with the more than 60,000 apps available on Apple's iPhone App Store. "I don’t think it matters whether it’s 40,000 or 2,000, you’ve still got a broad range of choice," says McDowell.

BlackBerry App World had 1,000 apps when it launched earlier this year, so it has doubled in size since then.