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Palm Pre cracks its first million downloads

And then some
Palm Pre cracks its first million downloads

Considering Palm's re-entry into the smartphone market is still a very recent development, the PDA stalwart has good reason to celebrate the 1.8 million downloads it's enjoyed since the Pre's launch.

Yes, this pales in comparison to Apple's recent announcement of 1.5 billion downloads, but measured by any other standards it would seem Palm is right back on track.

Capitalising on its new-found momentum, the Pre manufacture is preparing to launch its Mojo Software Development Kit, which will allow anyone to develop for the new WebOS powered device.

This should undoubtedly create a significant influx of applications into the Pre's app store and encourage the small, but vital growth of the iPhone competitor.

However, submissions to the Palm App Catalog are expected to be open until the autumn, saw the real competition is still a few months away.