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Handmark launches white label mobile store platform

Turnkey native app store solution
Handmark launches white label mobile store platform

The future of mobile gaming isn’t so much in the handsets as their online software stores. The iPhone proved the value of easy to access, on-device digital distribution, but it’s no small task for manufacturers or mobile carriers to set up and launch their own application stores.

Earlier on in the month we heard how Handango launched a white label app store system to make it easier for mobile content and hardware suppliers to offer up their own online, on-device presence. And now Handmark has joined the app store fray, with a turnkey Windows Mobile native app store solution of its own.

“Developers around the world have created an amazing array of titles that complement the unique Windows Mobile experience,” says Handmark’s Chris Barnett. “Our new Mobile Store Platform solution makes it easier than ever for consumers to access and download these titles with ease on Windows Mobile devices and other platforms in the near future.”

The Mobile Store Platform offers users a customisable interface with full touchscreen capability, provision for games, apps, themes, ringtones and more, user reviews with a star rating system and full payment and carrier charging.

Head on over to the official page for more information.