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Major Android update heralded by giant cream bun

Cupcake and Donut to be followed by Eclair soon
Major Android update heralded by giant cream bun

It seems it's simply Google's quirky sense of humour that labels its Android operating system updates as various kinds of confectionery, and version 2.0 has now been alluded to by the appearance of a giant eclair out in front of the Google building.

The same happened with Donut, which appeared on the lawn a couple of days before the official 1.6 announcement was released.

Rumours have been abounding that Motorola's long awaited Android phones will sport a new, modified version of the Google OS, and given that they're due for release at the end of the month it seems likely they'll debut the new platform.

Exactly what modifications have been made to bump Android up into a new version will hopefully be revealed over the next couple of days, along with any information about an upgrade roll-out.