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Android expansion continues with new dual-screen ebook reader

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Android expansion continues with new dual-screen ebook reader

Google hasn't been giving its open-source mobile platform Android much attention lately, but a new partnership with Verizon seems to have sparked renewed interest from the internet giant, which claims Android is 'about to explode'.

The Android operating system is also preparing to see one of its first uses outside of smartphones in the shape of the Korean-made ODROID gaming device, proving that Android is flexible enough to power any form of multimedia device.

Next up is a newly announced ebook reader with a very unusual design and an unusually ordinary name. The Alex uses a dual-screen format, with the larger, upper screen being e-ink and the lower one being a normal colour LCD.

The idea behind the two screens is the option to include links within the e-ink book (or magazine, or newspaper or whatever electronic literature you're reading) which can then be opened in the wi-fi and 3G connected lower screen.

The manufacturer of the Alex, Spring Design, is apparently in talks with content partners to provide reading material for the Android-powered device, which is due to be launched later this year.