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Motorola Droid encourages surge in Android developments

Is it the device, the Android update, or both?
Motorola Droid encourages surge in Android developments

Analytics provider Flurry has been monitoring events in the Android world as both hardware and software updates hove into view - combined, in part, in Motorola's Droid handset.

The report suggests that developer interest, which has been waning on the Android front lately (certainly in terms of games), has seen renewed interest as the 2.0 SDK - nicknamed Eclair - arrives, built into the first Android device to really capture the high-end user's attention.

Apparently, new Android projects have seen a massive 94 per cent increase since news of a more powerful Google-powered device leaked out, mostly due to the more advanced methods developers can access Bluetooth (for multiplayer connectivity) and support for HTML5, which will allow in-browser web applications to behave more like native software.

"Flurry market data shows that Android continues to gain interest from application developers, and that iPhone is no longer the only game in town," says Flurry president Simon Khalaf. "Developers who used to develop only for iPhone are now adding Android applications to their line up in record numbers."