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Social media at the heart of Windows Mobile 7

Job advertisement hints at Microsofts plans to unite the WinMo world
Social media at the heart of Windows Mobile 7

Microsoft has its hands full at the moment with all the online and digital expansion it is currently going through, and according to a job posting picked up on by MobileTechWorld this grand scheme also includes Windows Mobile 7.

The advertisement calls for a senior program manager to design a "Mobile Social Platform that provides rich APIs to both internal and external applications and to not only enable but also inspire them to build compelling social experiences".

Unusually, the job listing goes on to provide examples of precisely what Redmond is looking for:

"Our vision is to bring social networks to life by integrating them into the core experience of the phone. For example imagine seeing all the newsfeeds from all the networks you care about in a single hub on the phone. Or imagine the phone instantly telling you what your friend is doing and where he is when you get a call from him."

Apparently, Microsoft has several WM7 teams all working on different aspects of social networking for the new platform, with the lucky applicant landing the job of coordinating all these different aspects of a connected WinMo.