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Previously disgruntled iPhone Facebook app developer speaks highly of iPad

Everything he’s been wishing for, apparently
Previously disgruntled iPhone Facebook app developer speaks highly of iPad

Joe Hewitt was the original developer of the official Facebook app, which has been one of the most popular applications Apple’s device has seen.

Unfortunately, Hewitt gave up on the project a while back after he became frustrated and disgruntled with Apple’s policies.

“I am philosophically opposed to the existence of their review process. I am very concerned that they are setting a horrible precedent for other software platforms, and soon gatekeepers will start infesting the lives of every software developer," he said.

But evidently Hewitt has kept an open mind about all things Apple, and has voiced his approval of the forthcoming iPad.

“Most of the iPad reactions I've read have been negative, but I have been completely satisfied with what Apple announced,” he says on his personal blog.

“iPad is exactly the product I've been wishing for ever since I wrapped my mind around the iPhone and its constraints. While the rumor mill was churning with all kinds of crazy possibilities for the Apple tablet, I mostly rolled my eyes, because I felt strongly that all Apple needed to do to revolutionize computing was simply to make an iPhone with a large screen. Anyone who feels underwhelmed by that doesn't understand how much of the iPhone OS's potential is still untapped.”

He goes on to say that the iPad is an opportunity for developers to re-imagine desktop and web software. He reiterates his disapproval of the way Apple reviews its software, but insists that he won’t be caught bashing the iPad any time soon.

“Seriously, if you're a developer and you're not thinking about how your app could work better on the iPad and its descendants, you deserve to get left behind,” he concludes.