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Mobile coverage of Winter Olympic Games set to reach new heights

Videos, applications, and mobile web lined up for mobile and smartphones
Mobile coverage of Winter Olympic Games set to reach new heights

The Beijing Olympic Games were considered to be one of the biggest digital events ever seen, with millions of people following the sporting achievements via mobile devices every day.

TV network NBC is expecting the 2010 Winter Olympic Games to receive even more attention-on-the-go, and has prepared a host of applications and mobile-centric coverage outlets to cater for the digital viewers.

News, results, and video will be formatted specifically for mobile and smartphone devices on the official website, and will also integrate a host of social networking features to allow viewers to spread news of their favourite events.

Smartphone-specific web apps will also allow iPhone, Android, and Blackberry devices to customise their online experience with their favourite sports and access content directly from regional networks.

Depending on your location, text messaging alerts, event reminders and news bulletins are also available to keep Olympian fans up to date.