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Microsoft to reveal more Windows Phone 7 secrets at GDC 2010

All happening on Wednesday 10th March
Microsoft to reveal more Windows Phone 7 secrets at GDC 2010

With the Windows Phone 7 operating system one of the bigger announcements at Mobile World Congress 2010, it makes complete sense for Microsoft to continue to roll back the curtain at the forthcoming Game Developers Conference.

As part of this, the company will be running a series of sessions as part of its Game Developer Day tutorials.

The mobile ones will be held on Wednesday 10th March, with talks listed as:

Developing Games for Windows Phone 7 Series,

High Performance 3D Games on Windows Phone 7 Series,

Development and Debugging Tools for Windows Phone 7 Series, and

Bringing the Best of Xbox LIVE to Windows Phone 7 Series.

In fact, there will be plenty of mobile focused sessions during GDC with the first iPhone Games Summit and the GDC Handheld/Mobile Summit both held on 9-10th March.

There's also a Blackberry developer day on 9th March, and a session about Palm development too.

Let's hope developers going cross-platform are taking a lot of staff.

[source: Finger Gaming]