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Ideaworks Labs adds Maemo and Mac support to Airplay tech

And iPad coming soon
Ideaworks Labs adds Maemo and Mac support to Airplay tech

Ideaworks Labs has extended support for its cross-platform mobile Airplay technology to Nokia's Maemo platform.

It joins iPhone, Android, Symbian, Windows Mobile and BREW as operating systems mobile developers can write for by compiling a single codebase to native ARM CPU instructions, and deploying with a single click.

Support for iPad will be added soon.

The previously PC-only development environment has been extended to Mac and Xcode users as well.

"Many iPhone developers are looking beyond the bounds of the App Store and have picked up on Airplay SDK as a powerful vehicle to expand into other platforms." says Tim Closs, Ideaworks Labs' CTO.

"We're responding to requests from that growing community to bring Airplay to their development environment of choice; Mac and Xcode"

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New features have also been added to Airplay. The Remote Control capability enables any wi-fi-enabled device to become the input source for the Airplay desktop simulator, sending events such as touchscreen and accelerometer use.

The simulator screen output is streamed back to the device, meaning that the entire app can be tested using real hardware, without having to be continually deployed or debugged on the device, reducing testing time and cost.

And Airplay SDK 4.1 includes a new Contacts API, opening up richer social networking functionality within Airplay apps.

Developers with annual revenues of less than $100,000 can use Airplay SDK 4.1 for iPhone development absolutely free, or deploy across all supported platforms at a cost of $99 per seat per year.

Those with revenues between $100,000 and $2 million pay $999 per seat per year, and receive an increased level of support. Companies earning over $2 million annually should apply for licensing details.

Developers can register and download a full free evaluation of Airplay SDK 4.1 for Windows and Mac (Beta) by visiting