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Dizzypad HD is #1 iPad free game on 12,000 downloads

IAP conversion rate 2.8 percent
Dizzypad HD is #1 iPad free game on 12,000 downloads

Following the wave of initial releases, there's not been a ton of new games for iPad.

Developer NimbleBit seems happy to have waited this long to have released a supersized version of its frog hopping Dizzypad game though.

Released as a free iPad game, it's already an Apple featured game and was downloaded over 12,000 times on its launch day (May 12).

Padded up

That got Dizzypad HD ranked as the #1 free iPad game and the #5 free iPad app in the US App Store.

It was also the #1 free iPad app in eight other countries including Germany and the UK.

The issue of monetising that success is proving slightly more tricky however, with NimbleBit's Ian March tweeting that day 1 saw 341 of the additional $1.99 game modes purchased.

That's an 2.8 percent conversation rate.

"A bunch of reviewers are begging for 99 cent game modes," he said, followed by "I'm learning that IAP game modes seem to bug some people a lot more than IAP themes."

[source: Eeen Twitter]