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Microsoft tweaks mobile and games divisions as J Allard and Robbie Bach leave

Mobile boss Andy Lees and Don Mattrick step up
Microsoft tweaks mobile and games divisions as J Allard and Robbie Bach leave

Further to recent rumours, it's been confirmed that Microsoft onetime wunderkid J Allard (pictured) is leaving the company.

He was senior vice president of design and development for the entertainment and devices division, but during his tenure wrote the email that famously got Bill Gates interested the internet, as well as running the Xbox business - particularly during Xbox Live and Xbox 360 - and having his hands on Zune and Project Courier.

He'll remain as an advisor to CEO Steve Ballmer, "helping incubation efforts, looking at design and UI, and providing a cross-company perspective on these and similar topics".

Two to go

Also leaving the company is the president of E&D Robbie Bach, who after 22 years at Microsoft is retiring in the autumn.

Stepping up to fill the gap will be interactive entertainment business boss Don Mattrick, and mobile communications business boss Andy Lees, who will report directly to Ballmer.

"Andy has led the Mobile Communications Business since February 2008, and has been instrumental in reinvigorating our mobility efforts, bringing in new business and development talent and overseeing the creation of both KIN and Windows Phone 7," Ballmer said in an email to Microsoft employees.

[source: CrunchGear]