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Channel 4's Mobile Game Pitch coming back

Second year in a row for talent search
Channel 4's Mobile Game Pitch coming back

Last year's 'Mobile Game Pitch' event was one of the more interesting mobile games awards, since it looked for innovative new ideas from people outside the industry.

Well, it's coming back for a second year, according to Develop, with nine finalists due to pitch their mobile game designs to a panel of experts during this year's London Games Festival.

The winner will get a cash prize, but there'll also be a tie-in with the Golden Joystick awards, and the chance to have their game optioned for further development.

No news yet on whether a specific publisher will be on board for that latter part. EA Mobile was the partner last year, although the winner got a work placement rather than a publishing deal.

Channel 4 is also launching a second games competition, with the E4 Grand Master Flash award focusing on Flash games for the web, with users on the E4 website due to vote on their faves.

Entry details for the Mobile Game Pitch haven't been announced yet, but you can sign up for alerts on this website.