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Acer readies line of $299 to $699 tablets for November launch

Android the likely OS
Acer readies line of $299 to $699 tablets for November launch

Long rumoured but previously unconfirmed, Acer CEO Gianfranco Lanci has revealed the company is to launch a range of tablets on November 23.

Speaking to the Wall Street Journal, Lanci was reluctant to divulge all too much about the devices, though he did confirm that the tablets would be priced between $299 and $699, with an initial roll out planned for New York.

The wide price range suggests several different sized tablets could be in the offing, with VentureBeat reporting 5, 7 and 10 inch variants may currently be in development.

Android for OS?

Also up for debate is the OS Acer will opt for. Lanci himself made no commitment to any particular platform, though considerable chatter points towards Android being the choice for launch, with any support for Windows 7 following on at a later date.

Acer's intention to enter the tablet market has been spoken of ever since Apple launched iPad, though the manufacturer has been less vocal about it plans than rivals HP and Asus.

Nonetheless, back in August, chairman J. T. Wang suggested Apple's share of the tablet market would be limited to 20-30 percent in the long term, further igniting speculation that Acer would seek to launch its own range of devices to halt Apple's advance on its PC and laptop business.

[source: VentureBeat]