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Free WP7 release Impossible Shoota clocks up 21,000 downloads in 4 weeks

Developer casts light on top ten free app
Free WP7 release Impossible Shoota clocks up 21,000 downloads in 4 weeks

Microsoft's decision to roll out app analytics for Windows Phone 7 means developers finally have an idea just how many downloads their titles are clocking up.

Thanks to Impossible Shoota developer Elbert Perez, so do we.

In a blog post on his website Occasional Gamer, Perez revealed his free shoot 'em up has currently been downloaded 21,000 times since it launched on November 21.

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It's an interesting figure, given Impossible Shoota currently sits in the top ten free games on the platform.

Such a tally means the game is currently notching up around 840 downloads a day (although Perez himself puts the figure somewhere between 1,000 and 14,000, suggesting severe fluctuations).

Perez hopes it's also enough to make a healthy income when the game is ad enabled.

"Hopefully this will be a successful business model for me because it benefits me and everyone out there looking for a quality game for free," says Perez.

"My two other paid games are not going as well, but I have plans to make them free and ad supported as well."

Said paid releases Scribble Defense and Zombidemix have amassed sales of more than 750 between them, both titles retailing for 99c apiece.

[source: Occasional Gamer]