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New social and mobile studio Outplay Entertainment sets up in Dundee

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New social and mobile studio Outplay Entertainment sets up in Dundee

The boom and bust game development cycle of the Scottish city of Dundee appears to be back on the up.

New social and mobile studio Outplay Entertainment has just been announced, which hopes to create up to 150 jobs over the coming years.

It will support platforms such as iOS, Android, Windows Phone 7 and Facebook.

Set up by Douglas and Richard Hare, who despite being Scottish moved to the US, working at Virgin Interactive, then establishing studio The Collective, which become part of large independent Foundation 9.

Now with £2.25 million in Regional Selective Assistance support from Scottish Enterprise, and venture investment from Pentch Ventures, they've returned home to start again.

Reach over the world

"The global games market is changing in a very fundamental but extremely positive way," said CEO Douglas Hare.

"Gaming is reaching players all over the world, regardless of the hardware they use, or when and where they want to play. Outplay was founded to cater to this rapidly expanding global audience by taking lessons learned by the games industry over the last three decades and applying them to these new connected, interactive experiences as more and more people around the world discover the joys of gaming."

You can find out more about Outplay, which is hiring, via its website.