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Copy and paste, faster apps and streamlined search confirmed for first WP7 update

Microsoft lifts lid on NoDo
Copy and paste, faster apps and streamlined search confirmed for first WP7 update

Its release date might still be up in the air, but the fact Microsoft is prepping Windows Phone 7 users as to the platform's first update suggests it won't be long before NoDo is go.

Both the content and the process of updating the phone are detailed on Microsoft's Windows Phone website, with the company confirming copy and paste is to headline its roll out.

Copy cat

"Copy and paste is a handy way to quickly send someone’s latest Facebook update, turn-by-turn directions from Maps, or a must-see link from Internet Explorer Mobile," Microsoft says on its site.

"Soon you'll be able to copy text from emails, text messages, web pages, and Office Mobile documents, and paste it anywhere you can type."

Also on board, however, are changes that should result in faster loading apps, as well as a much needed update to the search function on Windows Marketplace.

Marketplace muddle"We've streamlined Marketplace search to make it easier to find specific apps, games, or music," the site continues.

"Press the search button in the apps or games section of Marketplace and you'll see only apps or games in the results."

Microsoft claims the update process will be hassle free, with users informed of its availability via a pop-up message on the handset itself.

Further, more extensive, revisions to Windows Phone 7 are expected to hit the platform later in the year.

[source: Microsoft]