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Google confirms Android Market expansion, paid apps now available in 32 countries

More to follow in next two weeks
Google confirms Android Market expansion, paid apps now available in 32 countries

After Distimo spotted the addition of new countries to Android Market's paid apps roster, Google itself has officially unveiled the official line up, adding new territories will follow in the coming months.

Paid apps on Android Market are now supported in 32 countries.

Speaking on the Android Developers blog, Google's Eric Chu says bringing the new countries on board each one having previously been restricted to free apps is a reflection of the growing interest in the marketplace.

"This widespread adoption has brought with it growing interest in Android Market’s support for the buying and selling of paid applications in these additional countries," says Chu.

"We have been hard at work on this and it is my pleasure to announce that effective today, developers from 20 more countries can now sell paid apps on Android Market."

United nations

Developers of Android games and apps from 29 countries can now bring their paid titles to Android, with Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Mexico, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, Switzerland and Taiwan joining the ensemble.

Chu claims developers from an additional 18 nations will come on board over the next two weeks.

Developers with existing apps on the marketplace marked for sale in all locations don't have to take any further action to make them available in the new regions.

Studios who wish to target new markets individually, or don't want to sell their apps in these new regions, are advised to visit the Android Market publisher site regularly over the next two weeks to make the necessary adjustments.

[Source: Android Developers]