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EA Mobile trials game check-ins with GetGlue

Nevermind where you are, what are you playing?
EA Mobile trials game check-ins with GetGlue

While the debate as to whether location-based platforms such as Foursquare and Gowalla qualify as gaming experiences bubbles on, GetGlue has been quietly bringing check-ins to games themselves.

Previously the social discovery platform had limited its activity to enable people to check into movies, books, and TV shows.

Members of the service are already used to the concept of checking into any websites they visit or apps they start up now a promotion with EA Mobile will see them marking their gaming habits in a similar way.

However EA Mobile is keen to point out that, as yet, there's no formal deal or partnership in place. Instead the campaign is a trial that will take place for a limited time as it evaluates the promotion’s performance.

Battlefield badges

Nevertheless, GetGlue users can now check-in to a number of EA Mobile titles on both iPhone and iPad to earn virtual stickers.

In all, three games are mentioned in the deal - Tetris, Battlefield: Bad Company 2 and High Caliber Hunting all on board though, curiously, the check-ins don't take place within the titles themselves.

Instead, users have to flag their check-ins via GetGlue's apps or website, meaning there's the potential for users who haven't purchased the games to check-in regardless.

Either way, this marks the first of its kind for GetGlue, which has previously partnered with media firms across music, film and television.

[source: GetGlue]