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Android in-app billing enters testing before roll out next week

Google now accepting submissions
Android in-app billing enters testing before roll out next week

Discussed since the start of the year, Google has finally pulled the dust sheets off its official in-app billing system, allowing developers to monetise free releases.

The new in-app billing framework has entered a round of testing, with Google encouraging studios to submit their apps to the developer console to put the set up through its paces.

Testing the waters

"During these test transactions, the in-app billing service interacts with your app exactly as it will for actual users and live transactions," Google's Eric Chu said on the Android developers blog.

"To get you started, we've updated the developer documentation with information about how to set up product lists and test your in-app products.

"We encourage you start uploading and testing your apps right away."

Naturally, while apps can be submitted with in-app purchases in tact, they won't actually go live on Android Market until the new billing system goes live, with Google committing to a full roll out "next week".

Some Android games have already been running successfully with their own IAP systems; Spacetime Studios' MMOG Pocket Legends has been generated around $3,000 daily on Android for example using PayPal, Google Checkout and Amazon's Pay Now.

[source: Google]