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Jumptap opens up $4 million mobile ad warchest for new clients

Cutting its cut to drive new custom
Jumptap opens up $4 million mobile ad warchest for new clients

With Apple and Google facing off over iAd and AdMob, it's a great opportunity for the smaller mobile ad networks to gain new clients in the confusion.

US outfit Jumptap has just announced its Passport to Freedom program for new customers, which it's backing with a warchest worth $4 million.

Money for nothing

The concept is simple in that you sign up to Jumptap's ad network and integrates its SDK, which supports Phone, iPad, iPod touch, Android, and BlackBerry, and then collect 100 percent of the advertising revenue generated.

This means Jumptap is handling over its normal cut of the business; something it will continue doing until the end of 2010 or until it's given away revenue up to the total of $4 million.

In addition, if you want to double down, you can use your ad revenue up to a maximum $100,000 within the Jumptap network to promote your own games and apps, with Jumptap doubling your spending power up to $200,000.

"We launched this program in response to the many developers and publishers who are at risk of losing revenue as a result of being 'caught in the crossfire' between Google and Apple's battle over platform control," explained Paran Johar, Jumptap's CMO.

You can sign up for the Passport to Freedom program here.