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Google rolls out AT&T billing for Android Market

50MB app limit and new categories also on board
Google rolls out AT&T billing for Android Market

In the latest addition to what's playing out to be a ceaseless line of updates to Android Market, Google has unveiled carrier billing for the platform for AT&T customers.

The new payment method, which allows users to add the cost of purchases to their phone bill, has been announced via the Android Developers blog, with Google's Eric Chu revealing the firm has been rolling it out to customers gradually rather than in one fell swoop.

The paying game

"With the combination of Android Market’s new app discovery features and a carrier-backed frictionless payment method, users will find it significantly easier to discover and purchase applications of their choice," Chu says in the post.

"We strongly believe carrier billing is a great way to make it easy for users to purchase and pay for applications."

It's not the last operator Google plans on bringing on board, either. Though the roster currently numbers just two AT&T and T Mobile, Chu claims Google plans to add further carriers to the line up in the coming months.

Also in the update to the marketplace are the previously announced wallpaper and widget catagories, 50MB max app size, additional app categories to aid discovery including media & video, music & audio, business and sports and the 15 minute refund window.

[source: Google]