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Intel hopes LG will fill its Nokia gap for MeeGo phone adoption

Chinese OEMs also interested
Intel hopes LG will fill its Nokia gap for MeeGo phone adoption

In the space of a few days, MeeGo's future looks to be solidifying, with Reuters reporting that LG has joined a working group looking to develop handsets that run the OS.

Nokia was expected to be the main driving force behind the platform's assault on the smartphone market, having developed MeeGo in co-operation with Intel.

However, following Nokia's adoption of Windows Phone 7, its support for MeeGo has withered, leaving the path open for a rival OEM to pick up where the Finnish firm left off.

Intel recently also announced a deal with Chinese online company Tencent to port games and apps to MeeGo tablets. 

Momentum for MeeGo

"It's opening opportunities for the others to come in," said Valtteri Halla, a member of technical steering group for MeeGo.

"Discussions are taking place. You'll see things coming out this year, pretty soon."

Halla claims other manufacturers, such as ZTE and China Mobile are on board, though their combined force will fall some way short of the push Nokia would have been able to give the platform at retail.

At present however, LG is playing down its involvement.

"At this point in time LG has no definitive plans to mass produce devices with MeeGo other than car infotainment systems," the spokesman said.

[source: Reuters]