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Beefy Media and ngmoco head up Business Track at Develop 2011

Indie philosophy up for debate
Beefy Media and ngmoco head up Business Track at Develop 2011

Having already dished the dirt regarding Develop's offshoot Evolve this year headed up by EA Sport's Andrew Wilson attention has now turned to the main event.

Confirmed leads for Develop Brighton's Business Track are Beefy Media founder Adam Boyes, and ngmoco's VP of artist and repertoire Alan Yu.

Speaker central

Boyes is set to discuss indie philosophy and how it can be applied to mainstream brands and IP.

Meanwhile, Yu will take part in a five-way debate dubbed 'Throw Away Your Office'.

Develop's full line-up including those previously confirmed for Evolve can be found on the event's website.

Also contributing are Spilt Milk Media's Andrew John Smith, who will look back at five independent developers who have managed to survive, Mobile-Pie's Will Luton on whether free games are evil, and Olswang LLP lawyer Jas Purewal, who will reveal five tips developers need to survive.

Those looking to book their place at the conference  with a 20 percent discount available before June 15 should visit the Develop website.