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Samsung Galaxy S II sales hit 1 million in a month in South Korea

Firm enjoys 60 percent market share
Samsung Galaxy S II sales hit 1 million in a month in South Korea

Talk about home advantage. Little over one month since Samsung's Galaxy S II hit the shelves in South Korea, numbers drawn from the country's biggest operators suggest the number of units sold to date has hit 1 million.

According to JoongAng Daily, Korea's leading carrier SK Telecom has activated 550,000 Galaxy S2 handsets to date, with rival KT Corp having sold 300,000 units.

Super Samsung share

A further 150,000 phones sold by LG U+ Corp adds up to 1 million units exactly, though Samsung is yet to release any official statistics regarding the handset's performance at retail to date.

As a result of its stellar start, however, Samsung reportedly mopped up 60 percent of all mobile sales across the country in May it's highly monthly market share in 2011.

Samsung expects to spell 10 million Galaxy S II handsets throughout the course of the year, with pre-orders made back in May surpassing the 3 million mark as the firm prepared to roll the phone out in more than 120 countries.

The news comes just as Japanese investment bank Nomura issued a note predicting that the South Korean firm will become the world's largest smartphone manufacturer this quarter, ahead of Apple and Nokia.

[source: Cellular News]